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How to get into reading - Top Tips 

I often get asked 'how can you read so much?' Personally, I have always been an avid reader. Saying that, there have been periods in my life where I haven't been able to read at all because, I simply didn't have time and I forgot about my real hobbies. Reading for the purpose of academics and reading for leisure are completely different. Whilst both can be enjoyable, reading something of your choice can be very therapeutic. With our overbooked schedules and busy lifestyles it's important to take some time out for ourselves.

If you want to get into reading - here are some of my top tips:

  • Find your genre or topics that you enjoy

Select a few different genre of books and test them to find your preference. You may find that you enjoy a variety of books or only a select type. Whatever your choice, find what you like. 

  • Take your book everywhere

This might seem strange but honestly just take it with you, wherever you go. The most common reason people don't read is because they don't have time. If you have a book to hand wherever you are you can fit in some reading time anywhere. You can download it onto your phone or reading device if you don't want to carry it around. I took my current read to the hairdressers yesterday and I got through a good few chapters waiting for my foils to develop! It also kept me from mindless social media scrolling.

  • Make a regular reading habit

Dedicate some time in your day to reading and make it part of your daily routine. It can even be a few minutes - making it a routine will soon create a habit. If you find it hard to concerntrate, set yourself up in an environment where you feel comfortable and relaxed. 

  • Set yourself a target

Set yourself a reading goal everyday. Tailor this to something you can manage and enjoy - it could be a page, a chapter or a hundred pages. If you're just starting off - a page a day is perfect. It will help you get into practice of keeping your mind in track and not loosing focus. Don't worry if you have to reread sentences or paragraphs, it's absolutely normal! The more you practice the easier it will become to tune out the noise around you and thoughts in your mind. (Distractions will still be there but you'll be less sensitive and have better capacity for attention.)

  • Don't feel committed 

Don't be afraid to give up on a book you aren't enjoying. Just because you've started reading it doesn't mean you have to finish it! If you must, just skim read or read a summary and move onto something else. The more enjoyable your read, the more you will look forward to it.

  • Join a book club

This is a great way to get into reading. It will make is social and keep you accountable. It's also a great way to meet new people, make new friends and expand your reading range through recommendations. During the current COVID pandemic and endless lockdowns - book clubs are a great way to stay connected and keep you going. Especially if you work from home or live alone.

  • Listen to an audiobook

Audiobooks are great for busier people as you can listen to them anywhere, allowing you to multitask and still keep up with your current read. Listening to books can help you get back into following a story and familiarise yourself with storytelling.

And that's pretty much it! Remember, the purpose is to enjoy your read. It's not a chore or a necessary task in your day. Find what you love and get lost in it :)


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