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A Thousand Boy Kisses by Tillie Cole


Love, friendship, faith, religion, growth, adventure, nature, soulmates, illness, substance misuse, difficult parent-child relationships.


From the instant Rune and Poppy meet as children they form an eternal bond. Moving to Georgia from Norway is a major life change for young Rune, but when he bumps into his friendly neighbour Poppy he can't help but be infected by her passion for life and adventure. Over the years, the two grow from friends to lovers. Nobody can deny that they are soulmates.

But when Rune is forced to move back to Norway his lifetime of promised love is met with complete and utter silence from Poppy. Two years later, when he returns to Georgia Rune isn't the thoughtful boy who left but Poppy is ready for their happy ever after. Why did she cut him off and who is this new Rune?


This book. Oh my God. If you want your heart to break and warm at the same time then this is the book for you. It's such a pure and genuine love story that brings two soulmates together despite the harshness of life. It's an easy read written with simplicity but it doesn't fail to capture the depth of the characters feelings. It will move you and it will inspire you. It will make you think of every minute of every day and appreciate the small things in life. I feel like I experienced this little book to my core and could picture it all in my mind as I read. I do have a soft-spot for romances though - especially painful ones.

It has a dual point of view which works really well because we know what's going on with both Rune and Poppy so we can see why certain things happen/will happen. But it still manages to hold that angst knowing that the other character doesn't know and what's going to happen next. What I loved most about Poppy and Rune's story was that their young love was shown to be valid, its almost always overlooked by people and we've all heard 'you're too young to know what love is.' I am a firm believer that age and love have nothing to do with each other, it happens when it happens and you know it when it does.

If anything, this book is a reminder that the world is beautiful and life is a precious gift. It's so easy to forget this when we're caught up in routines and daily life. Sometimes it just takes a moment of reflection to feel gratitude.

As expected, it's not all sunshine and rainbows in the young lovers world. Things happen, people change and life takes its course but when the universe wants to bring two people together it will. I wasn't prepared for what came after Rune and Poppy's emotional reunion, the scene in the park when they finally talk was intense to say the least. Poppy is one of the most strongest young female characters I have read, it was joy reading from her point of view and feeling her love for life. Her strength, acceptance and care for everyone in her life was uplifting. Rune's devotion to Poppy was so so moving, each word, act and gesture towards her carried so much feeling! Their thousand heart-bursting kisses never lost their warmth. There is nothing to fault in this beautiful story and I think it had the perfect end. If you want a sweet-sad book then I would recommend this. I would happily read a novella from Rune's point of view on his years in between.

Not to forget the playlist was just what I had in mind, especially Infinity by One Direction. That song and this book is a one true pairing.

Favourite Quotes:

'Why does it take a life ending to learn how to cherish each day? Why must we wait until we run out of time to start to accomplish all that we dreamed, when once we had all the time in the world? Why don’t we look at the person we love the most like it’s the last time we will ever see them? Because if we did, life would be so vibrant. Life would be so truly and completely lived.'

'When you’re near, my heart doesn’t sigh, it soars.'

'An unrivalled beauty, limited in its life. A beauty so extreme in its grace that it can’t last. It stays to enrich our lives, then drifts away in the wind. Never forgotten. Because it reminds us we must live. That life is fragile, yet in that fragility, there is strength. There is love. There is purpose. It reminds us that life is short, that our breaths are numbered and our destiny is fixed, regardless of how hard we fight.'

'I think hearts beat a rhythm like a song. I think, that just like music, we’re drawn to a particular melody. I heard your heart’s song, and yours heard mine.'

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