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After the End by Clare Mackintosh

Themes: Love, marriage, family, parenthood, loss, grief and healing.

Synopsis & Review: Pip and Max are a power couple; lovers, best friends and wonderful parents. Their love and bonding is so firm; nothing can break them. Until they are given the most terrible news - Dylan, their three year-old boy is critically ill. The doctors have recommended palliative care and the question of his survival is put into their hands. For the first time Pip and Max can't agree. Their marriage and immense love for each other is put to the ultimate test. How do they make such a heart-wrenching decision?

This is an incredible book. Heart-breaking, raw and emotional. It is written in three narratives; Pip (mum), Max (dad) and Leila (physician) which gives excellent character insight and allows an immersive experience into each characters thoughts, feelings and emotions. The story starts off in a court room setting which sets the suspense for the rest of the book. I thought I had it all figured out from the first chapter but was I wrong!

The first part of the book is extremely sensitive and touching. Mostly set in a children's intensive care unit, the scenes are written so well I could actually feel the intense atmosphere of the ward coming through the pages. My heart broke for the family, clearly Pip and Max want the best for their beloved son but they both have a different idea of what that is.

There are so many layers to this book; it truly uncovers the reality of living with a sick child alongside the physical, emotional and financial strain that parents have to deal with. I particularly enjoyed Leila's point of view, it was refreshing to see how this case affected her personally and made me appreciate the strength and courage of doctors who face such challenges everyday.

The second part of the book takes a turn and leads two different courses of life. As in, what would have happened if the judge agreed with Pip and what would have happened if the judge agreed with Max. I know, confusing right?! It did take some time to adjust to what was happening and sometimes I'd forget whose point of view I was reading from but I quickly reconnected to the characters and followed the plot. This was completely unique and unexpected, I thought it was brilliant. It was amazing to explore the 'what ifs' and get closure through Pip and Max's lives after the daunting court verdict. We witness the effects on their personal well-being, the stresses in their marriage, the pain, fear, doubt and regret from both parents. Each questioning whether they made the right decision.

What I loved most about this book is amidst the undeniable sadness, the shattered hearts and minds of the parents, the stories deepest message is one of hope. Hope for a future and a life beyond. Although life may never be the same, we can always start over or continue in different ways. A powerful message with a perfect finish to the book, from my opinion.

Authentic, thought-provoking and issue-driven. This was a very satisfying and impactful read. From the author's note it was upsetting to see that she has written in accordance with her own experience. Clare Mackintosh covered everything from grip-factor, character investment, absorbing plot and unique tone. To consider this is far from her usual writing style of fast-paced, on the edge thrillers (which are excellent btw) this book did not disappoint. I would highly recommend this read but as always, please do your background reading before getting into it as it does cover difficult issues with vivid descriptions.

Rating: 5/5

Favourite Quote:

'...I realise something they don't teach you in Biology... The heart stretches.'

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