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Half a World Away by Mike Gayle

Themes: family, relationships, love, hope, health, social status, education.

Synopsis & Review: Half a world away by Mike Gayle is a contemporary fiction novel based in modern day London. Kerry Hayes is a single mum living on a challenging London estate with her son Kian. Kerry works hard to provide Kian with a pleasant home. She roots good morals and values in Kian and keeps him from the rough youth in their neighbourhood.

Kerry's world is small - her best friend has moved away and besides Kian the only other person she loves dearly is her younger brother Jason. The pair were separated by social services in their childhood after being taken into the system due to inadequate care and poor living conditions at home. After years of trying to place him, fate finally unites Kerry with her brother. Despite their differences they begin to reconnect and build a bond - only to face more challenges in life.

This book was an emotion rollercoaster! I loved the dual narrative because I felt like I got to know the characters individually. Although at times I wanted more from Noah, it fairly portrays his closed off personality - and I just had to accept that's him! For me, the plot was predictable to an extent but I was invested in the characters personal journeys which kept me reading.

A well-written, heart-touching story full of hope and optimism despite the odds. If you're looking for an easy, thought-provoking read with strong characters I would highly recommend this.

Quotes: 'If you wait too long for the right moment to tell somebody the truth, it's practically the same as lying.'

Rating: 4/5

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