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House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J. Maas


Identity, family, friendship, romance, power, duty, heirarchy, truth vs lies, war, slavery, morality, fantasy-fiction.


After saving Crescent City, Bryce and Hunt are looking forward to some downtime to heal from their pasts and figure out what the future holds for them. The Asteri have kept their word so far as Bryce and Hunt stay low-key.

But the rebel party, Ophion, are continuing to grow and now stand more powerful then ever. When Bryce, Hunt and their group of friends are unwillingly drawn to their cause, they too start to question their history. They've never been ones to stay silent, so that leaves them with only one choice.


The second book of the Cresent City series had me hooked from the first page. We're introduced to a new character, Sophie Renast, in the prologue and the story kicks off straight away. Sophie is a rebel with a coveted gift and has just escaped a death camp, in search of her little brother. I'm not usually one for 800 page plus books, it's often unnecessary and gets boring. But trust me when I say you won't even realise with this. (If you're an avid fantasy-fiction reader this probably won't be an issue anyway). Reading this book brought back a lot of memories from House of Earth and Blood, so much happens and you'll be left mind-blown with jumbled emotions. Action-packed and fast-paced, it goes from one twist and revelation to another.

Bryce and Hunt are the perfect pair. Their chemistry and banter is unparalleled. I think it was so cute that they wanted to live a 'normal life' and just see how things go, keeping in mind they've only known each other a few months. But when things start to kick off with Ophion, do they really have time to lose? They are each others strength and protection, and quite literally power each other up.

Getting the multiple points of view made this book even better. It made me feel so much more for the characters and what they're going through, especially Ithan, Tharion and Ruhn (obviously). It pulls the story along nicely, because discoveries are being made left, right and centre. And also opens up so many more story lines, both past and future. With characters being in different locations it was cool to read from another POV and realise 'this has been happening' on the other side when you switch to another character. Like with Cormac (I can't even, ugh). Not to forget, Bryce has been on this whole other secret mission whilst none of us have a clue. It's honestly fantastic.

Midgard is a world full of magic. It's made up of four houses which all have different levels of Vanir (gifted beings with very long lives). From archangels, shifters, fae, witches, demons, dragons, and so much more. There are also humans in Midgard, who were the original inhabitants that have been enslaved and ill-treated for thousands of years, thanks to the Asteri (most powerful Vanir - seen as stars). The Asteri's rule and govern Midgard, keeping things in very tight control. They've created armies of soldiers loyal to only them, and will do anything to keep their power. Through this book we learn a lot about the origins of Midgard and question the possibility of new rule. Bryce and Hunt visit the Bone Quarter where we learn more truths about the afterlife and Secondlight (energy recycling of the dead).

The book is very dark in some places, there's a lot of violence and references to abuse. One scene for me in particular was when Hunt goes back to the palace and sees both his and his ex-s wings hanging above the Asteri's thrones, I felt sick and horrified. Poor Hunt. But at the same time, there is so much love, light and growth.

Overall this was an absolutely fantastic read and the end made it even better. My favourite parts included, Bryce and Hunts's power surges and the Day and Night mystery. I'm excited to see how the story and world will evolve in the next book. I don't think this one can be read as a stand alone, you would need to read the series for the full experience. But trust me, you will not be disappointed!


' Our love is stronger than time, greater than any distance. Our love spans across stars and worlds. I will find you again.'

'Hunt’s voice was a thunderclap, as he said behind her 'Light it up, Bryce'.'

'What do you think makes a good leader?

Someone who listens, who thinks before acting, who tries to understand different viewpoints, who does what is right even if the path is long and hard. Who will give a voice to the voiceless.'

'Hello, Bryce Quinlan. My name is...'

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