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My Treasured Romance Reads

Fictional romance is one my favourite reading genres, there's just something special about reading love stories. They're full of emotion, drama, insights and anticipation of the ultimate 'happily ever after'. They're easy to read and don't require much devotion. Romance novels can easily pass as the best escape at the end of a long day or serve as the perfect holiday read.

Here are some of my favourite romance novels (which probably include some clichés and unpopular opinions - but I still love them!)

The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks

'I think our love can do anything we want it to.'

Noah has returned home from war and in an attempt to escape the trauma of battle he sets himself a project to renovate an old plantation home. But the house reminds him of his young love, Allie - a girl who stole his heart years ago. He wrote to her everyday for a year after their summer romance, his letters unanswered. When she returns to his doorstep one day, Noah has one last chance to beat the odds standing against them and win Allie back forever.

The Notebook is number one for me, I just love it so much! Allie and Noah hold a special place in my heart! They are just the perfect depiction of soulmates and true love. It gives me all the feels every time and never gets old.

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

'Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.'

The story of Heathcliff and Catherine's doomed romance is discovered by Lockwood - the new tenant of Thrushcross Grange when he is forced to take shelter at the Wuthering Heights in the middle of a snowstorm. He learns the history of the house and its people. This is a bitter-sweet love story between two very flawed individuals whose obsession destroys everything around them. Their love-hate relationship in the dark, Yorkshire moors brings the perfect gothic feel to the novel. Not the ideal romance and far from a happy ending. Extremely deep, dark and stormy but definitely a classic!

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

'...I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.'

Hazel is terminally ill with lung-cancer, she meets Augustus in a cancer support group that she was forced to attend by her parents. After a rocky start the two find a connection in their interests and hobbies which leads them on a journey to visit a famous author in Amsterdam. Their friendship quickly turns into more and the two become inseparable. This is a raw, insightful story about heart-breaking love and living for the present. Gus and Hazel have the most sweetest but painful love story ever. It gives me goose bumps and has me in tears every time!

The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer

' are my life now...'

Bella Swan moves to Forks, Washington to live with her dad and expects that her new life will be rather uneventful but to her surprise everyone is drawn to the 'new girl' in town; apart from the Cullens. The five adopted siblings keep to themselves, somewhat mysterious and secretive. But Bella can't help but be drawn to Edward Cullen, in particular, even though he seems determined to push her away.

This series of books is a classic gothic romance between vampire and human. The books follow the trials of Bella and Edward's forbidden love from Edward's deep thirst for Bella's blood to battles with other predatory species. Vampires, werewolves, hunters and old myths -the series explores the fantasy world with many unexpected twists.

I absolutely adore these books despite the many flaws in characters and plot. I don't think I'll ever get bored of them! They were a huge part of my teen years and had me craving for more just like the Harry Potter books! Fast-paced and easy to read, Bella and Edward's romance is gripping from start to end. Reading Midnight Sun years later, really took me back to re-experience the story with so many new findings. Even though I was 'team Jacob' there's no denying that Bella and Edward were made for each other.

Normal People by Sally Rooney

'It's not like this with other people, she says. Yeah, he says. I know.'

This book follows the complex relationship between Connell and Marianne from their late teens into early adulthood. The two come from different social classes but their shared interests in literature, world events and social justice draws them together. There is clearly some underlying chemistry between them from the start but Marianne's low self-esteem and Connell's indecisiveness often get in the way. Over the years the two change and grow individually - falling apart and reconnecting many times along the way. Connell and Marianne explore relationships with others but can't replace the spark between them.

This story does not follow any romance clichés whatsoever. In fact, I'm not sure if it classifies as a romance? But it is a beautiful love story! The characters are so raw and genuine with their faults and emotions. There isn't much development in the plot itself but the story is about the psyche of two youth and their intense emotional experiences. I love how unique this book is, it touches on heavier issues such as abuse, suicide, depression, therapy and rebuilding of self without any filters, making the story all the more powerful and relatable.

Connell and Marianne... Who's to know what the future holds for them?!

And that's a wrap! There are so many more including some recent reads that I've fallen in love with but these are my go-to!

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