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The Sight of You by Holly Miller

Themes: love, relationships, romance, family, security.

Synopsis/Review: A fictional romance novel about a psychic, Joel who has a supernatural gift of dreaming about the people he loves. These dreams always come true, often putting Joel in uncomfortable situations. Joel has sworn off falling in love or having any sort of serious relationship. He lives a pretty solitary life, until he meets Callie. There's an instant spark and Joel feels like he's been given a second chance at life. Maybe things could work out this time? Until.. the inevitable happens.

This was such a beautiful book I can't praise it enough. Heart-breaking, but perfect and wholesome. The writing is so beautiful I found myself re-reading sentences just to take them in. Romance is one of my favourite genres to read and this book ticked all the boxes; strong characters, plot, drama, love, romance and all the emotions! The story is told from both characters perspectives which really builds strong feelings towards Callie and Joel. It's interesting to see how different they are as people yet they complement each other so well. The little moments between Callie and Joel are so heart-warming you can't help but fall in love with them. I loved the unexpected supernatural twist to the novel, it brought different things to mind and took the story the next level. How would you live your life if you knew what would happen to the people you love? Would you choose to stay if you knew how things would end?

This love story made me see 'happily ever after' in a different light. It's a solid reminder that life is precious, to be cherished and made me want to be more present with people I love. One of my favourite books; such a satisfying, lovely read with depth and originality. I would highly recommend this if you want to switch things up from the usual cliché romance novel.

Rating: 5/5

Favourite Quotes: 'The sky is still and blistered with stars, the moon a marble.'

'Friendships aren't too easy to invest in when you have to keep to yourself all the stuff that defines you.'

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